Singing courses online

1. The Superior Singing Method

The Singing Success Program
The new number 1 recommendation is The Superior Singing Method by Aaron Anastasi.
This is by far the best option.
Aaron is a one man show who is straight forward and knows his stuff really well.
He's not some pushy salesman. He really just wants to help those who want to sing. He has tons of knowledge and has put together an awesome course for improving your voice.
It's a step by step course made up of high definition video lessons (over 30) which you can download to your computer, iPhone or iPad.
Aaron doesn't offer any actual DVDs which may make his product slightly cheaper than some others on the market.
Most people just stream and watch the videos from the website.
It's main target customer would be beginners and intermediates which make up a large portion of those who are looking for lessons right now.
So if that's you, it's worth learning more about Aaron's Superior Singing Method.
  • Great for Beginners

    If you’re a beginner looking to improve your singing voice, this program is recommended. It’s very easy to use, and helps you learn how to sing one exercise at a time. As you follow along with the lessons, you learn how to improve your vocal skills in a step by step manner.
  • Advanced Lessons for Intermediate Singers

    As you progress through the different modules, you will get instruction on more advanced techniques. There are lessons which help with your mixed voice, vocal agility, and advanced strengthening techniques.
  • Affordable Alternative to In Person Lessons

    This is recommended for those people who don’t have access to any local singing coaches, and/or don’t want to pay for expensive lessons. This program is very affordable, and a recommended alternative to in person lessons which can costs a fortune.

How Aaron's Superior Singing Method Can Help You Become The Singer Of Your Dreams!

The Superior Singing Method system gives you over 31 dynamic vocal training exercises and techniques, divided into the following modules:
  • Module 1: Unique Vocal Warm Up Exercises
  • Module 2: Breath Management and Diaphragm Breathing
  • Module 3: Mastering Vocal Tone
  • Module 4: Improving Pitch
  • Module 5: Resonance and Singing With Power
  • Module 6: The Mix Voice and Singing Higher Notes
  • Module 7: Improving Vocal Agility
  • Module 8: Advanced Strengthening and Vocal Techniques

Watch This Exclusive Video Of The Members Area!

2. Christina Aguilera's MASTERCLASS

Welcome image to Christina Aguilera's MasterclassChristina's MASTERCLASS is the #2 pick.
It's great for beginners, and anyone who's a Christina fan.
What's great about this course is that you're getting insights from a true professional singer.
There's so much value in really getting inside the head of a true vocal master.
You get advice from someone who knows exactly what it takes to become an amazing singer.
MASTERCLASS has really done extremely well at getting these high profile performers to teach us how to master their craft.
  • Very Affordable

    How much do you think it would cost for a one-on-one with Christina? Probably thousands of dollars. With this course, you can take lessons directly from Christina for a very affordable price.
  • 23 Complete Lessons

    This program offers 23 video lessons which are mainly geared towards beginners, however there are a few really cool lessons that even super advanced singers will benefit from.
  • Get Lifetime Access

    This is a course that you can reference and come back to for a long time. You might benefit from a few of the lessons now, and maybe appreciate some of the “performance” lessons later.

3. Singorama 2.0

Singorama 2.0Singorama is the #3 pick.
The main difference between this course and the other recommendations above is that there are no video lessons here. There are audio lessons and worksheets.
Many people actually find learning through audio just as easy, if not easier than with video.
The other main difference is that Singorama is really the most comprehensive course available. It has so much information on improving your voice.
If you're looking for the total package and want the most information on this topic, I would recommend you learn more about Singorama.
It's also the most affordable of these top 3 programs, and comes with a full 60 day money back guarantee. Check out some of the real testimonials on their official website.
  • Very Affordable

    Singorama is the least expensive of these 3 courses. There are no video lessons, however there are audio files and written material. If you don’t feel video is important to learn with, then this is a great alternative.
  • Most Complete Course

    This program is huge. There are close to 30 audio modules, along with ebooks and worksheets. Based on volume of material, this is the biggest.
  • More Than Just Techniques

    Although it does a great job at covering singing exercises and techniques, it also covers other topics like anxiety, performance, bad habits and so on. It’s the total package when it comes to content.

4. Singing Success 360

Singing Success Logo
It was created 15 years ago by Brett Manning who you can see in the video above. So it's been around for a long time, and what that means is that the program continues to improve.
With so many members over the years, the team at Singing Success have been able to create a step by step guide which will help any type of singer.
What this also means is that they'll have a program which is tailored to your specific needs, which may be a little different than other people's. We like to recommend this program because it's produced so many happy customers, who in turn have greatly improved their singing voices with this complete online program.
If you visit their website, you can see real before and after videos, client testimonials, and you'll get an overall feeling of qualitywhen you browse around. Bottom line it's definitely something every aspiring singer should check out.
  • Also Great for Beginners

    Singing Success is also recommended for beginners. The course is laid out for those who want to run through the lessons in a step by step manner. If you’re just starting out and have no experience, this course can definitely help you out.
  • Take Your Voice to the Next Level

    If you can already sing quite well, and you just want to take your voice to the next level, then Singing Success can help. Not only do they offer specific products on various parts of the voice, but you can also sign up for one on one coaching.
  • Recommended for 1 on 1 Coaching

    If you ever thought about getting 1 on 1 coaching, then you should consider Singing Success. They have a group of singing coaches you can have Skype sessions with if you want. These are more expensive, but can be useful for more advanced singers.

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